Camila and Gino Wedding, March 10th, 2023
In some situations, you have to “think on your feet” and make decisions. At Cami and Gino’s Wedding, there was an inconvenient: the ceremony was delayed for one full hour. What should we do? If we had to wait for a full hour and then the ceremony another hour more, we would not be able to do the bride and broom photo-shoot. So, as everything was unexpected and everything happening at the same moment, Camila, the bride, was a bit overwhelmed and uncomfortable. So I suggested her to do some photos meanwhile we were waiting for the ceremony to start, so she agreed and we took advantage of the remaining sunlight, luckily, they agreed and we did the photos with a beautiful sunlight.
At that moment, I remember that the lagoon that is part of the North Campus of the Catholic University of Chile, is so beautiful so we went there and we took some amazing photos with colors and extraordinary textures, besides that, we did a little photo-shoot at the highway on "Fidel Merino’s" van. After that, we went back to do the ceremony and everything was perfect.
When everything goes well, there is no issue, but as the saying goes:” A smooth sea never made a skilled Sailor”, I mean, as a photographer I have to manage to give alternatives and solutions to any problem we might have. I might add that I was so lucky to be able to Play the saxophone on their wedding which gave me so much joyce.
En ocasiones, "hay que decidir sobre la marcha", y tomar decisiones. En la Boda de Cami y Gino, hubo un inconveniente, la Ceremonia, fijada a las 19:00 hrs, se retrasaría una hora apróx. ¿Qué hacemos? si esperábamos ese tiempo - más - la duración posterior de la Ceremonia, ya no tendríamos luz día para hacer la sesión de fotos (Sesión Novios),
Camila & Ginio estaban un poco incómodos y abrumados, con este inconveniente (que surgió en el momento) les sugerí hacer, (en este lapso) la sesión, lo que ellos aceptaron.
Posteriormente regresamos con el tiempo necesario para la realización de la ceremonia, todo resultó perfecto.
Cuando todo funciona de maravilla, no hay problema, pero como dice un refrán, "Ningún mar en calma hizo experto a un Marinero". Es decir; como Fotógrafo, procuro también (cuando ocurren imprevistos) dar alternativas y soluciones a inconvenientes que puedan surgir en el momento.