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Esperando a Bruno..Waiting for Bruno.

A Silvana y Juan les hice sus fotos de Pre Boda y Boda. La pasión de ellos son las motos, Silvana hace enduro en su Yamaha y Juan ruta en su Harley Davidson. En su pre Boda hicimos fotos con ellas (puedes verlas en mi web)

Ahora ellos esperan su primer hijo y quisieron hacer otra sesión. Para ello utilizamos la misma idea, pero cambiamos algunas cosas; las motos, ya que las prlmeras (creo yo) son para un concepto mas deportivo. Esta vez, usamos 2 motos; una Vespa año 57 y una Lambreta del año 60 que Juan compro y restauro en forma completa, con repuestos traídos desde Italia. además, agregamos otros lugares y opciones para así ampliar el concepto y obtener un trabajo mas completo y diferente.

Me queda desearles lo mejor, Brunito llegará en un par de semanas...y espero llene muchísimo mas de amor y felicidad sus corazones. Un fuerte abrazo, Jean Pierre.

Waiting for Bruno...

It has been a while... Let me start telling you that I did two different photo-shoots for Silvana and Juan, I took some pre-wedding photos and, of course, their wedding photos. Their biggest passion in life are motorcycles, by one hand, Silvana rides her Yamaha and practices enduro and, by the other hand, Juan, his Harley Davidson on routes. We use their motorcycles for the pre-wedding photo-shoot, as you can appreciate on my website.

Now, they are expecting their first child and they wanted to do another session (baby bump showing). That is why we kind of used the same idea but changed one main thing: the motorcycles, since, I personally think, the first ones were more suitable for a sporty kind-of-session, this time we used a '57 Vespa and a '60 Lambreta, both were fully bought and repaired by Juan himself with original Italian spare parts. Besides that, we added other scenarios and options to create a wider concept and to achieve a better, more creative and different style of work.

Nothing more to add but to wish you guys the best of the best. Brunito will arrive in a couple of weeks and I hope he would fill up your hearts with more love and happiness. Hugs, Jean Pierre.

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